Global Cooperation At a Glance

In recent years, centering on priority disciplines and majors, CUEB has actively cooperated with foreign high-level universities to implement joint educational programs at both university and school levels.
CUEB has more than ten joint program partners, including University of Maryland (United States), St. Francis Xavier University (Canada), ESC-Clermont (France), and Deakin University (Australia) .
In particular, about 150 students have graduated from a joint CPA (Certified Professional Accounting) programs held by CUEB and Deakin University (Australia) since 1999.
Also, CUEB holds annual student exchange programs with many internationally well know universities through intercollegiate partnership, including Boston University (United States), UC San Diego (United States), Temple University (United States), Dublin City University (Ireland), etc.
Taking the Academy of Metropolis Economic and Social Development (AMESD) of CUEB as a joint research platform, CUEB has collaborated closely with University of Maryland (United States) and Cleveland State University (United States) to conduct joint research on challenges occurred during Beijing’s development as a city.
AMESD has provided many of its research results to Beijing Municipal Government and relevant departments as a basis for their decision making, receiving favorable comments socially and academically.
Meanwhile, CUEB also partners closely with Princeton University, University of Cambridge, Monash University, University de Montrea, Hokkaido University and Kyushu University for joint international academic conferences on common priority disciplines and subjects.

In addition, CUEB strives to improve its faculty internationalization. From 2009 to 2014, 109 faculty members have visited overseas universities for continued education as visiting scholars with CUEB’s independent funding. In September, 2012, CUEB opened its International School of Economic Management and hired Dr. Li Qi (Overseas Talent Recruitment Plan Scholar) as its Dean, and recruited 37 new faculty members with oversea doctoral degrees from the United States and Europe. By June, 2015, the total number of publications in international high-level journals amounts to 57.
To fully implement internationalization reform in talent cultivation, CUEB currently runs eleven university level experimental and innovation classes on international talent cultivation, covering business administration, marketing, international economics and trade, accounting and other majors.
Since 2013, CUEB has also started to provide summer international courses by hiring professors from overseas partnership universities to promote its local nternationalization teaching, and have received favorable feedback from students.
In the past three years, about 923 students have participated in the summer international courses. In 2012, CUEB and Cleveland State University (United States) jointly established a Confucius Institute at the Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio.
CUEB began recruiting international students in 1986 at all levels, for undergraduate, master’s degree, and Ph.D. degree students. CUEB also recruits non-degree students at its Chinese Language Teaching Center for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Since 2007, Master Programs taught in English have been offered, and English courses for Ph.D. Students soon followed in 2011. In total, these programs attract over 600 students from 70 different countries annually.