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15th CUEB Sports Meeting: Creating a Better Future with Vitality

Author:Translated by Zhang Juan,Proofread by Li Bing Editor:Wan Chenfang Publish:2018-05-03 Size:TTT

On April 20th, the 15th sports meeting of CUEB kicked off. Feng Pei, Party Secretary of CUEB, Xu Fang, Deputy Party Secretary, Ding Lihong, Wang Chuansheng and Yang Kaizhong, Vice Presidents of CUEB, Tang Xing’an, Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission, as well as Yu Zhong and Xing Qi, members of the Party Standing Committee attended the opening ceremony with Wang Chuansheng as the host.

In his opening speech, Feng said the meeting is not only an arena for the faculties and students to compete and show their physical fitness, but also a full display of their moral integrity. He hoped that the spirit and charm of CUEB could be inspired during the meeting, which will create a better future for all the participants.

After the solemn oath of Zhang Songbo, Qiu Na, and Chen Tiangeng, representatives of faculties, students and referees respectively, the cheerleading teams entered the stadium with great vitality.

After one and half days of fierce competition, the School of Economics won the championship for eight consecutive years with a total score of 409.5. Feng Pei, Party Secretary of CUEB, Wang Chuansheng and Yang Kaizhong, Vice Presidents of CUEB, Tang Xing’an, Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission, and Xing Qi, members of the Party Standing Committee attended the closing ceremony and awarded the winning schools, faculties and students.


Honor Roll

Team Total Score Top 3:

School of Economics, School of Accounting, College of Business Administration

Women Team Total Score Top 3:

School of Economics, School of Accounting, School of Statistics

Men Team Total Score Top 3:

School of Economics, College of Business Administration, Overseas Chinese College

Cheerleading Performance Top 3:

School of Accounting, School of Labor Economics, School of Economics

High Morality Prize:

School of Accounting, School of Culture and Communication, School of Law, School of Safety and Environmental Engineering, School of Labor Economics

Prize for Best Organization:

School of Statistics, Overseas Chinese College, School of Information

Prize for Most Courageous:

School of Economics, College of Business Administration

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