2015 High Level Forum for Metropolis Development Model And Planning Control Studies
The forum’s keynote speeches consisted of two parts. During the first part chaired by Duan Xia, executive vice-president of CUEB Academy of Metropolis Economic and Social Development, speakers including Liu Yunzhong, researcher of DRCSC, Feng Kui, researcher of The China Center for Urban Development (the CCUD), Peng Wenying, professor of CUEB School of Urban Economy and Public Administration and Shan Jingjing, researcher of Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies Chinese Academy of Social Sciences presented their reports respectively, namely, “The 13th Five-Year Plan and the Sustainable Development of Metropolis ”, “Reference and Revelations of International Experience for Small-Medium Cities’ Development in Metropolitan Area”, “Metropolis Environment and Its Improvement---A Case Study of Beijing ”, and “Urban Villages in Metropolis and the Management of Rural-Urban Continuum”. In the second part chaired by Jiang Sangeng, vice-president of CUEB Academy of Metropolis Economic and Social Development, scholars including Zhao Xiuchi, professor of CUEB School of Urban Economy and Public Administration, Zhong Wei, chief data officer of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Big Data Research Center, and Ma Jun, professor of CUEB School of Safety and Environmental Engineering delivered speeches, namely, “Use the Tool of Regulation and Policy to Promote Population and Function Dispersal in Beijing ”, “Analysis on Big Data and Industrial Space in Metropolis ”, “ Analysis on the Evolution of Urban Security and Risks Under the Big Data Era”.
The recent Outline for the Coordinated Development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei indicates that Beijing Tianjin and Heibei will be built into a world-class city agglomeration centered on Beijing. To promote the collaborative development of Beijing Tianjin and Heibei is a dynamic response to the economic new normal and the mounting pressure on resource and environment and to optimizing the economic and regional development patterns. This year is the planning year for the 13th five-year plan in which the plan for a sustainable and healthy metropolis development plays a vital role. Therefore, current studies on metropolis development model and planning control are of great significance from both theoretical and practical perspectives.