
Home Faculty Science Fund Program for Distinguished Young Scholars


CUEB boasts well-structured, high-quality, dynamic, and innovative faculty members who are in line with the school’s development and the needs of teaching and discipline construction.

CUEB currently has 1,048 full-time teachers, among whom 186 are professors, and 365 are associate professors or equivalent. There are 179 doctoral advisers and 673 master advisers. In recent years, among the current teachers, there are 287 winners of National Distinguished Educators, National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers and National Distinguished Teacher awards, members of National Millions of Talents Program, National Special Support Plan for High-level Talents, and Programs for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China, and recipients of the Distinguished Teacher awards of University Research Innovation Development Action Plan in Beijing, Beijing Distinguished Teacher awards, as well as other honors.

In 2016, the university initiated a teacher career development program and established the CUEB Office of Teacher Advancement (OTA), one of few programs in this category in China. CUEB’s OTA is a teacher-governed organization dedicated to teacher career planning and advancement.